Monday, January 9, 2012

New information...!

So there's tons more information and ways to get it about the upcoming book, the 2012 Blog Tour and other goodies in these new places:

1) twitter
A) allyson_wndrlnd
B) Pain_N_The_Cass (a young girl with the same first name as I had in grade schol has already snagged PainInTheCass, so I have to do with this conglomeration.)

2) Facebook page - Pain In The Cass

I'm still getting the Facebook page set up, but certainly you'll al have a place to ask questions about the upcoming book tour, the new play, the tv comedy, and other projects in the works. I'll put up photos from all the events as I can and of course everyone is welcome to post their own pictures as we make our rounds.

I'll keep you up to date on all kinds of news and be able to respond to all your comments. I'm really looking forward to meeting so mantook you and gaining another way of connecting with everyone.

As for the 2012 Blog Tour, there is a side prize for the person who can refer the most people to my blog site to sign up as followers. Make sure your referees send me a quick message telling them who their wonderful referer is or leave it in the comments. At the end of the tour, we'll have even more prizes for the winner, including having a major character named for you in the upcoming novel!

Happy holidays and a wonderful start to a fantastic new year!

Cass Van Gelder

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