Thursday, November 6, 2014

Pic: NASCAR: Hot Chicks Added to The Pit Crew (Previously posted on ESPN Las Vegas blog)

(Previously posted on February 26, 2013, for my part of the ESPN Las Vegas blog.)

Christmas Abbott - Photo by Warwick Saint


     She weighs less than my Golden Retriever, yet she could take him and my other two dogs in one hand and lift them over her head. Badass? Well, that's what they're calling Christmas Abbott, the newest member of Jennifer Jo Cobb's NASCAR pit crew in the Camping World Truck Series. For Sunday's Daytona 500, she shadowed the Michael Waltrip racing crew as he slid into 22nd place. I'm not overly familiar with racing terms, but I'm guessing shadowing is like being an intern of sorts. A badass intern, mind you.

     She's not new to the sash of Miss Badass. At 22, she followed her mother over to Iraq when she (mom) joined up. (Apparently, it runs in the family.) Then later, she became one of the few head trainers for CrossFit (which, for all you P90Xers, you're playing with five and dime plastic pistols compared to the AK-47 roughness these CrossFit people take on. And she was one of the top people doing it. Yikers.)

     From all that's told, she's not really seeking the spotlight, but it seems destined to find her. Between the tattoos and the rippling muscles, she's hard to miss. Network reality programs are chomping at the bit to get her to let them follow her around. I'm never a fan of people who let cameras catch their every telephone call, pregnancy test, and bowel movement, but I can understand her motivation. She won't get the same dollars as the guys – or even the girls – on the track. I don't know that the retirement plan for the pit crew is anything she's dreamed about, so having some TV dollars to rest on later can't suck.

     It's got to be a sock to the jaw for Danica Patrick after she's loaded her trophy case based on her talent and determination, even if Sunday did end in an eighth place finish. However, Danica's fairly buddy-buddy with a spotlight that follows her because of her glossy dark hair and wicked toned thighs. Anyone that takes on a Go Daddy commercial in their free time (firstly with beavers, then with random girls who strip and gyrate - as she reminds one not to scratch her car) understands the delicate balance between keeping them interested in your talent without focusing only on how you dressed it.

     Still, when a newcomer who's not even on the track starts stealing the spotlight, it's got to sting a little. It's kind of like being a Broadway star only to have autograph hounds crowding the prop girl after the show. 

      NASCAR is just around the corner with its color, speed, and crashes, but if you see the cameras focusing more on the pit rather than the track, you'll know why: Christmas has come to town.

Tip from Eric Adelson's blog.

(original post:

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